- I'm SO ready to go back to VA! I miss my family SO much. Seeing pictures of the boys and K and the Floods and everyone just makes me wish I could be there with them. I've always loved them, but maybe I didn't realize how much I liked my family until being so far from them this summer. I also desperately miss my roommates and my apartment. I can't wait to sleep in my full size bed surrounded by my stuffed animals. I can't wait to giggle with my roommates and help plan a wedding. I can't wait to sing on the worship team again. I can't wait to drink tea and do procedures and sit in our corner chair and check our mailbox and write on our Thankful board. I also miss JMU. I miss singing with MadSings and working with KMac. I miss studio class and the Quad and the sky in the mountains. I miss my dear friends and the MRD's and the JMU Wind Symphony and Jazz Ensemble. I'm ready to go home.
- What if my Fourth Session girls aren't as good as Third? Third session was REALLY hard, and definitely felt like the longest twelve days of my life. However, my girls were absolutely precious and I miss them a bit. What if my next batch isn't as good?
- I'm going to miss my BLFAC coworkers quite a bit. I have met some wonderful people here, and it's going to take a lot of work to keep in touch with them. We've had such an unusual experience here, and it will be weird to talk about life here with people from the outside.
- I have so many good ideas! This being my fourth shot at being a counselor here, I've tried a lot of things, and I've had both successes and epic failures. I'm really looking forward to putting all of that trial and error to the test on this last set of campers.
- God is so good. He has been so faithful to me this summer. I have had a lot of ups and downs Spiritually, and one of the things that I've learned is that staying close to God is a discipline. That relationship takes work just like any other. I have tools in place to walk closely with Him, it's just a matter of staying strong in that commitment. Pray that God would strengthen my resolve and that I would pursue Him all the way through the session.
Of course there are many other things going through my mind. But these are the biggies. Pray for strength and endurance. Pray for courage and creativity. I'm praying for you, hoping to hear from you, and looking forward to seeing you in two weeks!
<3, Martha
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